The Pope's Speech to Congress: 5 Questions

In his speech to Congress, Pope Francis describes a condition and a spiritual foundation for our engagement with each other and the planet. He does not prescribe a remedy, but offers us a compassionate framework through which we as Americans can articulate our "creative actions and strategies" moving forward. That is the journey he invites us to embark upon, knowing well that what he invites us to do will be incredibly difficult.

So I ask myself: Do I have the courage, patience, and love for others and Mother Earth to answer, 'Yes, I'm in!'? Can I keep my judgments, experiences, and biases in perspective to reawaken the possibility that over time I can find kinship with those with whom I disagree? Will I choose to ground my engagement with others in dialogue, curiosity, and respect? Will I embark on this journey knowing its fruits may only be realized long after I leave this Earth? Will I have the resolve to stay the course as I do my part to fight the painful injustices of today?

Talk about one serious juggling act. But I'm going to give it a shot.